terça-feira, 12 de abril de 2011

Looking Glass

She was looking into the looking glass
Trying to find her eyes, she has lost them there
But she couldn’t find... ‘cause somebody else must have taken them

She was passing by someone else’s fields
Trying to find strawberries on these hills
But she couldn’t find... ‘cause somebody else must have burned them

So she started to cry, looking for some guy
to take her away from this tiny town
and so he appeared
looking for someone to love

He was looking for someone else to love
so he found her eyes, how could he realizes?
all he wanted was to keep them always with him

So he was looking for some gift to his love
But all he could find was a moody crowd
Of strawberries. So he let them all get in fire

So he stopped to try
'till he's realized
she was just by the other side...
Crying waterfalls

(So he got closer, and put his hands over… her hands)

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

Do silêncio e suas reticências

Ela não me disse nada
Enquanto eu me desesperava
Despia-me das meias palavras
Euforia me tomava.

Cada gole outra miragem
Não deu margem à incerteza
E enquanto tudo inacabado, acabava
Todos nós por ela mesma.

Mas deixo meus olhos
Deixo meus olhos por perto
Pra poder derramar em seus ombros
Os meus mais íntimos afetos